Source code for amongus.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import re
from ipaddress import ip_address
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple, Union

from .player import Player
from .connection import Connection
from .enums import GameSettings, PlayerAttributes
from .eventbus import EventBus
from .exceptions import AmongUsException
from .game import Game, GameList
from .regions import regions

[docs]class Client: """The main client used to interact with the Among Us servers Attributes: name (str): The current name of the user stopped (bool): If the client is stopped (= connection closed) lobby_code (str): The current game lobby code (normally 6 chars long) region (str): The current region to which the client is connected to color (PlayerAttributes.Color): Color of the character hat (PlayerAttributes.Hat): Hat of the character skin (PlayerAttributes.Skin): Skin of the character pet (PlayerAttributes.Pet): Pet of the character spectator (bool): Whether the Client should behave like a normal player or just "spectate" and remain invisible game (Game): The current game players (List[Player]): Players in the current game """ connection: Connection eventbus: EventBus def __init__( self, name: str, color: PlayerAttributes.Color = 0, hat: PlayerAttributes.Hat = 0, skin: PlayerAttributes.Skin = 0, pet: PlayerAttributes.Pet = 0, spectator: bool = False, ): """ Client used to interact with the Among Us servers Args: name (str): Name which is shown in the game for this Client stopped (bool): If the client is stopped/the connection closed lobby_code (str): The current lobby code region (str): The currrent region color (PlayerAttributes.Color): Color of the character hat (PlayerAttributes.Hat): Hat of the character skin (PlayerAttributes.Skin): Skin of the character pet (PlayerAttributes.Pet): Pet of the character spectator (bool): If the client should only spectate Raises: AmongUsException: Name is longer than 10 or shorter than 1 characters """ if 0 == len(name) > 10: raise AmongUsException( "Name can't be longer than 10 or shorter than 1 character(s)!" ) self.eventbus = EventBus() self.connection = Connection(self.eventbus) = name self.color = color self.hat = hat = skin = pet self.spectator = spectator @property def stopped(self) -> bool: return self.connection.closed @property def lobby_code(self) -> str: return self.connection.lobby_code @lobby_code.setter def lobby_code(self, value: str) -> None: self.connection.lobby_code = value @property def region(self) -> str: return self.connection.region @region.setter def region(self, value: str) -> None: self.connection.region = value @property def name(self) -> str: return @name.setter def name(self, value: str) -> None: = value @property def color(self) -> PlayerAttributes.Color: return self.connection.color @color.setter def color(self, value: PlayerAttributes.Color) -> None: self.connection.color = value @property def hat(self) -> PlayerAttributes.Hat: return self.connection.hat @hat.setter def hat(self, value: PlayerAttributes.Hat) -> None: self.connection.hat = value @property def skin(self) -> PlayerAttributes.Skin: return @skin.setter def skin(self, value: PlayerAttributes.Skin) -> None: = value @property def pet(self) -> PlayerAttributes.Pet: return @pet.setter def pet(self, value: PlayerAttributes.Pet) -> None: = value @property def spectator(self) -> bool: return self.connection.spectator @spectator.setter def spectator(self, value: bool) -> None: self.connection.spectator = value @property def latency(self) -> int: return self.connection.latency @property def game(self) -> Game: return @property def players(self) -> List[Player]: return list(self.connection.players) @property def _result(self) -> Any: return self.connection.result
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Helper function which runs :meth:`Client.start` All arguments will be passed to :meth:`Client.start`, this will block until the connection is closed from either side """ return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(self.start(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def add_listener(self, event: str, func: Callable) -> None: """ This adds a listener to the eventbus Args: event (str): The event to listen/subscribe to func (Callable): The callback which will be run when the event happens Raises: TypeError: The callback is not a coroutine """ if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): raise TypeError("Listeners must be coroutines") name = event if event is not None else func.__name__ if not name.startswith("on_"): name = "on_" + name self.eventbus.add_listener(name, func)
[docs] def remove_listener(self, func: Callable) -> None: """ Removes an event listener, doesn't do anything when it doesn't exist Args: func (Callable): The callback which should be removed as a listener """ self.eventbus.remove_listener(func)
[docs] def event(self, name: Union[str, Callable] = None) -> Callable: """ Decorator for :meth:`Client.add_listener` Args: name (str): Optional; The event name to listen on, if not given the function name will be used """ def decorator(func: Callable): _name = name if callable(_name): _name = name.__name__ func = name self.add_listener(_name, func) return func return decorator(name) if callable(name) else decorator
[docs] async def start(self, region: str = None, custom_server: str = None, port: int = 22023, gameVersion: tuple = (2021, 3, 5)) -> Any: """ Starts the client, connecting to the server and sleeping until disconnect Args: region (str): Optional; The region where the lobby is hosted, see :attr:`amongus.regions.regions` custom_server (str): Optional; A custom address to connect to, either this or region has to be given. Example: `` or `` port (int): Optional; Port of the server to connect to, defaults to 22023 gameVersion (tuple): Optional; The version of the game running on the server Raises: ConnectionException: Server disconnected, see :attr:`ConnectionException.reason` for the reason and :attr:`ConnectionException.custom_reason` if the reason is "Custom" AmongUsException: Invalid region or custom_server could not be parsed """ if region is not None and region.upper() not in regions: raise AmongUsException(f"The region {region} does not exist!") self.region = region if custom_server is not None: host, s, port = custom_server.rpartition(":") if not s: host = port port = 22023 try: _ = ip_address(host) port = int(port) except ValueError as e: # just let the user handle it raise AmongUsException("custom_server ip could not be parsed!") from e else: host = regions[region] try: self.connection.players.ready = False await self.connection.connect(, host=host, port=port, gameVersion=gameVersion) while not self.stopped: # only exit when we lost connection or disconnected in some other way await asyncio.sleep(1) if isinstance(self._result, Exception): raise self._result else: return self._result finally: await self.stop()
[docs] async def join_lobby(self, lobby_code: str) -> bool: """ Joins an existing lobby Args: lobby_code (str): 6 or 4 digit lobby code from Among Us Raises: AmongUsException: Invalid lobby code """ if len(lobby_code) not in [4, 6]: raise AmongUsException("Invalid lobby code length!") if re.match("^[A-Z]*$", lobby_code.upper()) is None: raise AmongUsException("The lobby code can only contain letters!") self.lobby_code = lobby_code.upper() return await self.connection.join_game(self.lobby_code)
[docs] async def find_games( self, mapId: GameSettings.SearchMap = GameSettings.SearchMap.All, impostors: int = 0, language: GameSettings.Keywords = GameSettings.Keywords.All, ) -> GameList: """ Returns the currently open games/lobbies Args: mapId (GameSettings.SearchMap): The wanted map impostors (int): Amount of impostors (0-3, 0 being Any) language (GameSettings.Keywords): Which language the chat should be Returns: :class:`GameList` Raises: AmongUsException: Amount of impostors is not between 1 and 3 """ if impostors not in range(1, 4): raise AmongUsException("Amount of impostors has to be between 1 and 3!") return await self.connection.find_games(mapId, impostors, language)
[docs] async def stop(self, force: bool = False) -> None: """ Stops the client Informs the server before disconnecting if force is False Args: force (bool): Will just close the connection if True, otherwise it will inform the server first """ await self.connection.disconnect(force)
[docs] async def send_chat(self, message: str) -> None: """ Sends a chat message to the server Args: message (str): The message to send """ await self.connection.send_chat(message)
[docs] async def move(self, position: Tuple[int, int], velocity: Tuple[int, int]) -> None: """ Moves the player to the given position Args: position (Tuple[int, int]): A tuple of x, y coordinates to move to velocity (Tuple[int, int]): A tuple of x, y coordinates with the velocity/relative position """ await self.connection.move(position, velocity)